Project „Immigrants and Integration“ – Meeting in Offenbach, 12. – 13. April 2018
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Freunde,
wir laden Sie zu dieser Veranstaltung am Donnerstag, den 12. April 2018.
Die Veranstaltung findet in den Räumlichkeiten der VHS Offenbach Berliner Str. 77, 63065 Offenbach am Main, im 5. Stock statt.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
wir laden Sie zu dieser Veranstaltung am Donnerstag, den 12. April 2018.
Die Veranstaltung findet in den Räumlichkeiten der VHS Offenbach Berliner Str. 77, 63065 Offenbach am Main, im 5. Stock statt.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
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Rumänische Gemeinde im
Rhein-Main Gebiet e. V.
Postfach 10 03 21
63003 Offenbach
Telefon: 0170-6032283
Arthur-Zitscher-Str. 11
63065 Offenbach
Project „Immigrants and Integration“ – Meeting in Offenbach, 12. – 13. April 2018
Day 1 (12.04.2018)
Coproduction and Empowerment of Migrant Organizations; Integration Award
Location: Adult Education Center, Berliner Str. 77, 63065 Offenbach
13:30 – 14:00
City of Offenbach – History and the Topic of Immigration and Integration (Simone Lechner)
14:00 – 14:30
Professional Input „Coproduction & Empowerment“ (Matthias Schulze-Böing)
14:30 – 14:45
14:45 – 15:15
Competence Team Integration & Foreigner Council (Abdelkader Rafoud)
15:15 – 15:45
Process of Advising and Supporting the Foundation of the Bulgarian Migrant Organization (Ali Karakale)
15:45 – 16:15
Rumanian Migrant Organization “CROM” and its Activities (Dorothea Krampol)
16:15 – 16:30
16:30 – 16:45
Brief Insight “Integration Award”
18:00 – 19:30
Integration Award
(Location: City Hall, Berliner Str. 100, 63065 Offenbach
20:00 – 22:00
(Location: Martkhaus Wilhelmsplatz, Bieberer Str. 9,63065 Offenbach)
Day 2 (13.04.2018)
Reflection und Best Practices
Location: Adult Education Center, Berliner Str. 77, 63065 Offenbach
09:00 – 09:30
Idea of the Project “START” (Frank Schobes)
09:30 – 10:30
Input of Alisei Cooperativa: Contemplation and Discussion of the Concepts and Components (e.g. Networks, Cooperation, Coproduction)
10:30 – 10:45
10:45 – 12:00
Input of Alisei Cooperativa: Discussion of the Final Report and the Good Practices
12:00 – 13:30
Lunch at the Project “START”
13:30 – 15:00
Optional and Depending on the Weather: City Walk (Guided by Matthias Schulze-Böing
Immigrants & Integration.
For how many just a mirage?
The aim of the Project "Immigrants&Integration" is to analyze, assess and identify Good Practices regarding the integration processes of the immigrant population in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain.
At a time in which tragic events are showing all the inadequacies and shortcomings of such processes, the Project wants to conduct an analysis that can, on one hand, assess the positive aspects of the integration practices and, on the other hand, identify all the problems and vulnerabilities which hindered social cohesion and full citizenship for many immigrants.
Starting from these issues, the Project will highlight the key factors that emphasize those socially inclusive models which take into consideration cultural diversity.
For this purpose, we have organized six transnational meetings designed to share experiences on the outcomes of the integration processes. Moreover, we will hold special workshops on the matters and the legislation related to asylum seekers.
Please find below the dates, location and agenda of the meetings:
- first meeting in Naples (2 – 3 March 2017) address the situation in the different contexts considered; the discussion will deal with the integration process at a national level, beginning with acknowledging that all the countries involved have different positions on the matter, especially in light of the recent changes: consequences of the economic crisis, problems related to young generations, increasing flows of asylum seekers, generalised sense of suspicion and mistrust among and by EU countries. Thus, sharing its own experiences should show today’s challenges and allow us to outline a common platform of issues and questions to be analyzed later on;
- second meeting in Madrid (6 - 7 April 2017) assess and expound the nature of the problems and questions arose during the first meeting, particularly “employment and housing”, “family reunification”, “citizenship and vote”, to outline a framework of: implemented practices, positive factors, still existing problem, and vulnerabilities, in order to identify the key factors which may have influenced, favoured or slowed down the development of the integration processes. Furthermore, a special focus will be on the different solutions adopted by each country with regard to asylum seekers”;
- third meeting in Brussels/Molenbeeck (18 – 19 May 2017) examine the issue of the
Integration of second – and third – generations i; an important focus will be dedicated to the
matter of many young people who does not feel “at home” in a society which does not seem
capable of sending them unambiguous messages. The intention is to disclose the specific
problems of these second (or third) generation, i.e. whether there are any differences (in
their life experience) between Muslim, Latin American, Chinese, Eastern European, Roma
young people etc., and how do current conflicts impact their sense of belonging; special
focus will be on the foreign fighters phenomenon;
- forth meeting in Perugia (22 – 23 June 2017) evaluate a Dialogue Practice between
immigrant and local communities (particularly young people with different cultural
backgrounds) to give voice to underrepresented groups and start a process of “true
acknowledgement of the Other”. Keep an open dialogue will help to build over time identities
based on common rules and the discernment of cultural diversity, and will allow all parties to
be mutually recongnised and build a sense of belonging, of “feel at home”;
- fifth meeting in Marseilles (25 – 26 January 2018) collect the practices, guidelines, and
actions (examined in the other meetings) to identify the Good Practices not only in terms of
actual and operational services for the immigrant population, but also in terms of true
acknowledgement of cultural diversity; moreover, special focus will be on the definition of a
Good Practice in asylum seekers;
- sixth meeting in Offenbach (12 - 13 of April 2018) present the overall outcomes of the
Project and officially promote Models of Good Practices (based on: operational services
available to the immigrant population, discernemt of cultural diversity, and interreligious
dialogue), as well as an Integration Chart, which will be endorsed and disseminated by all
the Network members involved in the Project.
Project „Immigrants and Integration“ – Meeting in Offenbach, 12. – 13. April 2018
Day 1 (12.04.2018)
Coproduction and Empowerment of Migrant Organizations; Integration Award
Location: Adult Education Center, Berliner Str. 77, 63065 Offenbach
13:30 – 14:00
City of Offenbach – History and the Topic of Immigration and Integration (Simone Lechner)
14:00 – 14:30
Professional Input „Coproduction & Empowerment“ (Matthias Schulze-Böing)
14:30 – 14:45
14:45 – 15:15
Competence Team Integration & Foreigner Council (Abdelkader Rafoud)
15:15 – 15:45
Process of Advising and Supporting the Foundation of the Bulgarian Migrant Organization (Ali Karakale)
15:45 – 16:15
Rumanian Migrant Organization “CROM” and its Activities (Dorothea Krampol)
16:15 – 16:30
16:30 – 16:45
Brief Insight “Integration Award”
18:00 – 19:30
Integration Award
(Location: City Hall, Berliner Str. 100, 63065 Offenbach
20:00 – 22:00
(Location: Martkhaus Wilhelmsplatz, Bieberer Str. 9,63065 Offenbach)
Day 2 (13.04.2018)
Reflection und Best Practices
Location: Adult Education Center, Berliner Str. 77, 63065 Offenbach
09:00 – 09:30
Idea of the Project “START” (Frank Schobes)
09:30 – 10:30
Input of Alisei Cooperativa: Contemplation and Discussion of the Concepts and Components (e.g. Networks, Cooperation, Coproduction)
10:30 – 10:45
10:45 – 12:00
Input of Alisei Cooperativa: Discussion of the Final Report and the Good Practices
12:00 – 13:30
Lunch at the Project “START”
13:30 – 15:00
Optional and Depending on the Weather: City Walk (Guided by Matthias Schulze-Böing
Immigrants & Integration.
For how many just a mirage?
The aim of the Project "Immigrants&Integration" is to analyze, assess and identify Good Practices regarding the integration processes of the immigrant population in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain.
At a time in which tragic events are showing all the inadequacies and shortcomings of such processes, the Project wants to conduct an analysis that can, on one hand, assess the positive aspects of the integration practices and, on the other hand, identify all the problems and vulnerabilities which hindered social cohesion and full citizenship for many immigrants.
Starting from these issues, the Project will highlight the key factors that emphasize those socially inclusive models which take into consideration cultural diversity.
For this purpose, we have organized six transnational meetings designed to share experiences on the outcomes of the integration processes. Moreover, we will hold special workshops on the matters and the legislation related to asylum seekers.
Please find below the dates, location and agenda of the meetings:
- first meeting in Naples (2 – 3 March 2017) address the situation in the different contexts considered; the discussion will deal with the integration process at a national level, beginning with acknowledging that all the countries involved have different positions on the matter, especially in light of the recent changes: consequences of the economic crisis, problems related to young generations, increasing flows of asylum seekers, generalised sense of suspicion and mistrust among and by EU countries. Thus, sharing its own experiences should show today’s challenges and allow us to outline a common platform of issues and questions to be analyzed later on;
- second meeting in Madrid (6 - 7 April 2017) assess and expound the nature of the problems and questions arose during the first meeting, particularly “employment and housing”, “family reunification”, “citizenship and vote”, to outline a framework of: implemented practices, positive factors, still existing problem, and vulnerabilities, in order to identify the key factors which may have influenced, favoured or slowed down the development of the integration processes. Furthermore, a special focus will be on the different solutions adopted by each country with regard to asylum seekers”;
- third meeting in Brussels/Molenbeeck (18 – 19 May 2017) examine the issue of the
Integration of second – and third – generations i; an important focus will be dedicated to the
matter of many young people who does not feel “at home” in a society which does not seem
capable of sending them unambiguous messages. The intention is to disclose the specific
problems of these second (or third) generation, i.e. whether there are any differences (in
their life experience) between Muslim, Latin American, Chinese, Eastern European, Roma
young people etc., and how do current conflicts impact their sense of belonging; special
focus will be on the foreign fighters phenomenon;
- forth meeting in Perugia (22 – 23 June 2017) evaluate a Dialogue Practice between
immigrant and local communities (particularly young people with different cultural
backgrounds) to give voice to underrepresented groups and start a process of “true
acknowledgement of the Other”. Keep an open dialogue will help to build over time identities
based on common rules and the discernment of cultural diversity, and will allow all parties to
be mutually recongnised and build a sense of belonging, of “feel at home”;
- fifth meeting in Marseilles (25 – 26 January 2018) collect the practices, guidelines, and
actions (examined in the other meetings) to identify the Good Practices not only in terms of
actual and operational services for the immigrant population, but also in terms of true
acknowledgement of cultural diversity; moreover, special focus will be on the definition of a
Good Practice in asylum seekers;
- sixth meeting in Offenbach (12 - 13 of April 2018) present the overall outcomes of the
Project and officially promote Models of Good Practices (based on: operational services
available to the immigrant population, discernemt of cultural diversity, and interreligious
dialogue), as well as an Integration Chart, which will be endorsed and disseminated by all
the Network members involved in the Project.